May 3Liked by Vincent Kelley

Interesting and articulate points. I especially like your mentioning that this may be the first time this group of protesters finds itself in contravention to, rather than aligned with, the hegemonic US government. Hopefully they will come to understand what's it's like to be on the short side of the balance of power.

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Thanks for reading, Lisa. I hope so, too.

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May 2Liked by Vincent Kelley

“Political maturity” is not a phrase that comes to mind when observing the movements of the last 10 years. “Moral fanaticism” is how I’d describe it.

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May 9Liked by Vincent Kelley

This is a SUPERB piece of writing, Vincent Kelley. Thanks very much for this. I was referred here by our mutual friend George Borg, we are both in Workers and Students For Choice, an outgrowth of What's Left?, where i saw you and George appear a while ago. I heartily agree with what you say about the protesters, many of whom are people i have strongly disagreed with in the past on matters such as BLM and the "COVID" Psy Op, but strongly agree regarding the genocide in Palestine (particularly visible in Gaza now).

I have a message for McWhorter, speaking as someone who was born in the British Mandate of Palestine in 1947, and then growing up in what became Israel till we left in 1958. One reason for that was the ethnic cleansing/genocide whose first stages we were eyewitnesses t. Professor, many of those Jewish students you wish to protect are actually fully supportive of the demonstrations.

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Thanks very much for reading and for your important reflections here!

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Hopefully you don't mind me sharing this on my Substack!

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Please feel free to cross-post it!

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May 5Liked by Vincent Kelley

Thanks for a thought provoking article. Balance and introspection are important skills to cultivate at times like this.

I support the rights of the protesters to say anything they want. I do not support blocking access and the like. However, if they feel compelled, they should be ready to accept consequences. I am assuming (although clearly have no idea other than what the history books tell us) that the participants at the Boston Tea Party were willing to die for their actions.

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My apologies to Vincent and anyone reading this essay on my cross-post to our No College Mandates Substack. Vincent is not a post-doc. He is still a PhD student working off campus on his dissertation field research.

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I am really glad you posted this.

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Apr 25Liked by Vincent Kelley

A stopped clock is right twice a day. Capital has gone to great lengths to divide and conquer. All significant factions are right on some issues and horribly wrong on others by design.

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Very true. Which is why I think everyone needs to take the responsibility to chart their own political path rather than aligning with one of those factions for social approval and security.

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I'm a 1st Amendment absolutist. These students have very right to shout slogans and protest. They do NOT have the right to take over buildings, stop graduations etc. Also, the moral outrage at "genocide" would be more convincing if they demanded the immediate release of hostages and recompense for 1,000+ that died on Oct 7th. Why were they so silent on Oct 8th? Where was the outrage? I told my wife just yesterday (worried about my son's graduation) "these are college kids. Of course they're stupid and will do stupid things...they are at a stage where they are old enough know better but young enough not to care" Finally, you speak about genocide. What do you think war is? How many Germans, Italians, and Japanese did we kill in WW2. Was that genocide? How many VCs, NVA's and Cambodians did we kill in that war? Was that genocide? How many Koreans died in Korea? Was that genocide? IF YOU CHOOSE TO START A WAR, You had better be prepared to face the consequences. And Israel has every right to defend itself. As does Hamas.

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We are human beings that ALL bleed red.

It’s time to LOVE!!!!

“Make love, not war.” History does repeats itself, doesn’t it? And humanity still hasn’t learned. So sad…

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Yes, but war has been with us since time immemorial. You might as well as ask for political maturity from college kids or conservative majority slant from Ivy league professors.. None of those are going to happen anytime soon.

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Right! Change can only happen on an INDIVIDUAL basis. I can’t change you, but I can change myself. Peace be with you!

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The possibility that McWhorter is speaking something other than his conscious should be considered. Zionist Jews via Bari Weiss have captured key influencers of the anti-woke Left like Coleman Hughes and there's a good chance McWhorter too.

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I can't speak to how exactly this unity was created but there definitely is a very consistent political line among this anti-woke crew, which is why I pointed out these other figures besides just McWhorter.

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deletedMay 3Liked by Vincent Kelley
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If you go down the “rabbit hole”, you’ll see why the U.S. is tied to the hip with Israel.

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deletedMay 3
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Insane! Do people understand how ridiculous this propaganda is? Think for yourself!

I’m a retired deputy, and I SAW the insanity. I “retired” three years ago for not complying with the test/jab. I look at my former department and see the Leftist propaganda implemented. You would shake your head in disbelief!


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